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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Invisible Binoculars

Random Theories #1

If you wear spectacles you might find yourself relating to this, if not ask a friend or a relative if they do. I am quite a bit curious about this, naturally since I have been wearing specs for at least eleven years now.
This is the part where I tell you what I am talking about it seems? Right it is.. I felt like fooling around a bit but nah I am excited to share this so here I go!
When I am not wearing my specs and I'm in a situation where I have to look at something, I find myself curling my fingers into a circle and holding my hands around my eyes. I look like I am holding invisible binoculars really. And what this does is that it helps my sight ever so slightly and makes things a bit clearer.
I also found that I wasn't the only person who did it. The majority of my friends who wear specs.. lets call them my "spectacles community", do the exact same thing.
The natural thing to do is to dismiss the probability of sight enhancement and say that our mind is playing tricks on us, making us imagine if we had "glasses like" things around our eyes we would see better.
But I think otherwise. Because I really do notice a difference. Let me explain..
People narrow their eyes when they want to see better right? Making them focus their power on the thing they want to see. I think its likewise with the circle fingers action. Our sights are generally bad and the power is distributed across the distance of whatever our eyes are facing. But if you do the finger circle action you will only see whats right in front of you, completely shutting our the unnecessary scenery on the sides of your sight. Making you focus your vision on the thing you want to see. So instead of having your eye power distributed on a large area it would be focus on the little area you want to see. Enhancing your sight ever so slightly.
I have not searched about this for I wanted to write down my own uninfluenced thoughts, but I am excited to search if others have theories or maybe answers about this... what to call it..? The invisible binoculars thing! I guess I will discover others opinions once I post this.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mind and Body Connection.

I was watching a show called "I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant" the other day, here is a quick synopsis of the show. The show tells the stories of some ladies who for medical reasons would get pregnant and wouldn't figure it out until they are in labor.  You can watch the show or read about these women if you're interested, but the point is that the show got me thinking… how can we be so unaware of major changes in our bodies? How unfamiliar are we with the only thing that has stuck with us since birth? What causes this disconnection, and is it possible to be more accustomed towards our bodies? 

This isn’t a post for me to explain a theory or answer my questions. I was introducing the thoughts that got me to decide what I will be doing for the next two weeks, and that is mediation and any other thing that could strengthen my mind and body connection. After I gain a little bit of experience on how it feels like to be aware of my body, I will then attempt to find answers for my questions.
Aaand mediation starts NOW