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Friday, May 8, 2015

Where to Study?

In my experience of moving away from where I was raised, I fortunately faced many good outcomes. However, with the pleasure of exploring new places and meeting new people comes the burden of loosing familiar people. And one thing I did with people whom I was comfortable with, was force them into spending hours upon hours on the phone with me listening to me explain the entire school syllabus. If I am completely honest it was reciprocal, as in they weren't forced at all, I just like to fool myself into thinking that I am in control a lot. Back to the point, in teaching I learn best. Well because, A- I feel responsible for other's levels of understanding, and therefore less inclined to procrastinate. B- When I share the stories I make, to memorize difficult words or concepts, it is much easier to remember when I tell them to someone else; because their reactions are always unforgettable. Believe me when I say the stories get intense. Well, now I am in the last quarter of the semester where it sucks the most and I can't seem to find my phone buddy. Therefore the subject matter of this blog will take a slight detour for a short while because... I will be using it as my phone buddy! Although writing in a blog will not provide me with the same experience as teaching friends, it is still one way of sharing that somehow glues information to my brain. So for as long as it's convenient, I'll be studying here.

PS. Vani if you are reading this I send you messages via my brain all the time.

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