Food diet, religion, and politics are just examples of many "sensitive" topics that people don't usually discuss. And something about the controversy caused by these topics gets me really excited.
So naturally I will, for no reason other than sharing, explain why my food diet is the way it is.
Here are two facts about me:
I adore animals. I love them I am fond of them they are amazing I love them love them lov…
I am an omnivore; a creature who eats a variety of foods, in my case meats and vegetables.
Well, that’s kinds of odd isn't it?
I don't only love pets, but I love animals I actually eat, like cows and chicken etc…
So how can I? What kind of a monster would I be?!
Well… I'm a human being who needs to survive and that’s how I do it.
No! You're nothing but a selfish murderer who exists on the benefits of poor animals.
*sigh*, what abou…
Don't! I'm disgusted with you; you can live perfectly fine without hurting anyone.
… Why aren't you a vegetarian? You would save the animals the pain while still surviving.
And it's okay for plants to feel the pain?
What are you talking about?
What, so plants don't feel?
You lost it.
No I didn’t.
You did.
No I didn’t.
You did, we did, I did…
Believe it or not that’s how my brain works, I talk to myself act like I'm someone else and make a little debate. I'm not at all saying that vegetarians are attacking monsters who wouldn't listen to people with other point of views, and I'm also not implying that people who eat meat are those judged and attacked people. It's just a fictional conversation that was cooked in my brain. To be quite honest it bugs me how SOME people who eat meat refuse to listen to the reasons why others don't, and vice versa of course.
As I showed in the dialogue above, I eat meat and vegetables to survive. Just like people who only eat vegetables do. It is in our nature to survive, dot.
It’s a cruel truth that we need to use other living things in order to live. Beyond all the fanciness we live in now, big houses, lights. and all we still kill to eat. And the old fashioned wilds rule kill or be killed still implies.
Hear me out on this.
I asked many people the following question.
If you HAD to make an anatomy examination "in other words cut open" one of the following animals, which one would you pick?
A- a rabbit. B- a fish.
Everyone without fail picked B. It would still suck but they thought it would hurt them less emotionally to examine the fish. I asked them why, but none of them gave me a complete answer.
I think I do have an answer.
The less we relate to something, the weaker our emotional attachment to it becomes.
In this case we relate to rabbits a lot more than we relate to fish and I will explain why.
We breathe air through our nostrils filling our lungs with oxygen, so do rabbits. We walk around jump around using our legs and parts, so do rabbits. We vocalize, so do rabbits.
We know what it's like when we see a rabbit's leg bleeding. We might wince at the sight, because we can imagine how the pain would feel like.
But fish…? Well they don't even live in the same space we do. They are underwater, sure they breathe oxygen but in a very different way from the one we use. We can't even begin to imagine how to breathe like a fish. We don't understand how the fish's body works. How it has no arms and legs. It doesn’t walk or jump around, it doesn’t vocalize in the way we do. Our relating abilities are so limited that we can only think that it would hurt to have your fin ripped out as a fish not imagine it.
But our inability to imagine how the pain would feel like or how the fish's body works doesn’t prevent the fish from feeling the pain, or moving its fishy body. Our blindness on how it feels like to breathe underwater doesn't change that a lot of creatures still breathe underwater.
So is it fair to pick the fish instead of the rabbit?
Of course not!
Both animals will receive the same amount of pain; the only difference is in our thinking. So whether or not we can imagine how it would hurt to split open a fish's stomach, the fish will feel pain anyway.
Why am I saying all of that?
There is a crucial point I want to come across just hang on a bit.
When we kill animals we hurt them. When we eat plants we….?
What I believe is that plants feel pain just like any other living creature does. What I also think is that we justify hurting them because we don't understand how that would happen.
I can't break a plant's stem and expect you to feel it in your leg. However perhaps if I did that with a dog's leg you would feel a lot worse.
Plants don't have brains don't have nerves that send signals to indicate that there is pain. But isn't it weird that we think they need those things?
They are living creatures, why can't we spare them the thought that they actually have a whole other living process that is quite different from ours? Why do we think that in order for any living thing to feel pain they would need brains and nerves? That they need to be complicated? Can't our brains think that there is something entirely different out there? Life doesn’t work on the "my way or the highway" rule. Just like our organisms exist in humans and animals and insects, other creatures may have a completely different way of life. So just because we can't fathom or imagine how being a plant would work or feel, it doesn't change that a plant is a living existing creature.
Plants most probably feel. How that works beats my imagination but it's cruel to dismiss the fact that they do, only because I don’t get how it works.
When people question plants feelings, they look for aspects existing in us humans. They try to find something they can relate with themselves. Some may say that plants aren't complicated enough to feel. But that’s my argument. We need to stop looking for things we find in ourselves because guess what, not everything implies on us. No one can say plants aren't living creatures, and whether there is pain in the process of eradicating them from the ground or not, we are still ending their lives.
So it is just as unfair to pick plants over animals as it is to choose experimenting on the fish over rabbits.
My point is that we are murdering animals and plants. I'm not using euphemisms if you noticed because I'm sending a message. In our raw complete human nature sense we kill to survive. That doesn't change when we are living in fancy glass houses and whatever. We are still eating things we murdered. In the end it's either we accept that fact or die of hunger. I chose to accept it.
I want to add, it's nobody's job to monitor what others eat. And I know that not every vegetarian or vegan is the way they are for animals; some do it for health. Whatever the reason may be I personally don't think anyone is wrong for believing or doing what they do. But its fun to express opinions isn't it?
Hey you are blogging! :) Keep sharing your thoughts would love to read about em! ^_^
ReplyDeleteHahaha I see you have found your way to the blog Abhay. :P Sure thats the plan. ^.^
DeleteCool post sister.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the rabbit vs fish example, I think that the differetiation is natural if not needed, and there's no need to fight it. It is why you will rush to help your kids before strangers, or a human being before a hyena.
We have a continuoum of animals, it is unhealthy and not sane to lose sleep over every bug that you kill on your way to school, mind you these bugs feel pain and value their lives. But from a human stand point, killing a bug is one thing, driving over a snake is another, driving over a cat is another, driving over a chimpanzee is another, and driving over a human baby is another.
It is a naturally selected trait which compels us to help those who are closer to us. Otherwise, you will struggle in choosing between your own children, and a spider.